Online Learning Resources for Science

NumberWebsite NameWhat It Does
1OceanFor studying ocean life
2Premeditated LeftoversFor learning about amphibians
3ADFG AlaskaFor studying Alaskan wildlife
4Teach ChemistryProvides chemistry concepts for all grades
5EP for LearningFor lifelong learning concepts
6ACSFor middle school and high school chemistry
7National GeographicExplore various areas of National Geography
8Science News for StudentsScience news for students grade 4 through high school
9NewselaFor studying viruses (middle school to high school)
10Mystery ScienceRemote learning platform for kindergarten to 5th grade
11Natural HistoryResources for all grade levels
12Aetnpbs Learning MediaResources for all grade levels
13NSFNational Science Foundation resources for all grades
14Premeditated LeftoversScience podcasts to listen with kids
15Kids San Diego ZooVideos, activities, and games about animals for kids
16Everyday EarthInteractive videos about earth science topics
17Inner BodyShows 11 body systems with interactive models and explanations
18Climate Kids NASANASA program teaching about weather, climate, plants, and animals
19GoogleAll types of learning
20Cell SaliveAll about cells
21The Happy ScientistExplore different science topics
22Weather Wiz KidsExplains rainbows, tornadoes, storms, tsunamis, and weather
23Human Bio DigitalShows the human body in interesting ways
24Web Extension IllinoisTeaches gardening for kids
25AlmanacLearn farming concepts like dates, weather, and moon phases
26Steve Spangler ScienceScience experiments to do at home
27NASALearn about space science
28ChemicoolEasy way to learn the periodic table
29EarthquakeAll about earthquakes
30Tyto OnlineScience video games for middle school students
31Science SpotScience projects to do online or offline
32Phet ColoradoScience and math labs and simulations
33Switch ZooGames to learn about animals
34Kids National GeographicLearn geography and animals
35ACSHigh school chemistry topics
36Positive PhysicsVideos explaining physics concepts and problems
37Mystery ScienceScience lessons for kindergarten to 5th grade
38Backpack SciencesElementary science videos
39Biology SimulationsBiology topics
40CK12Science, Math, and Social Studies concepts
41Club ScikidzmdFree daily science and cooking experiments
42Play Mada GamesLearn chemistry through games
43No Mster ChefRecipes for ages 2-12 that teach cooking, reading, math, and science
44Elemental ScienceOver 80 science activities to do at home
45SepuplhsScience simulations and biology resources for middle school
46Az ScienceLesson plans and interactive videos from Arizona Science Center
47Pre Meditated LeftoversEngineering challenges to do at home

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